
The Caldera de Taburiente National Park has, as best representative, the pino canario (Pinus canariensis), which is the vegetable symbol of the island of La Palma. The terrain and weather conditions present in the park determine the existing vegetation. The pine forest, which occupies the latitudinal strip between 1,200 and 2,000 meters above sea level on the windward slopes of the trade winds, can be found in the park from the 400 m rising to 2,400 m in the Roque de Los Muchachos. It associates with other species, creating plant communities.

In high altitudes, its main companion is the codeso (Adenocarpuus viscosus), in middle heights the amagante (Cistus symphytifolius). In the open spaces with soil moisture, it is accompanied by the brezo (Erica arborea) and the faya ( Morella faya), while in the low-lying areas, which are drier, you can observe the escobón ( Spartocytisus filipes).

The presence of the laurel is minimal, mainly due to the fact that the high altitude reached in La Caldera does not allow the passage of the trade winds and, therefore, there is not enough moisture for it to fully develop.

From the 2.000m predominates the codeso de cumbre (Adenocarpus viscosus), adapted to very cold winters and very hot summers, coexisting with retamón ( Genista benehoavensis), tajinaste azul (Echium gentianoides) and pensamiento de cumbre ( Viola palmensis).

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