The vegetal landscape of La Caldera is created by a mantle of pine forest of great resistance, with a high capacity to settle the lava flows with efficiency and speed and adapted to large climate fluctuations. Forming a pyramidal structure in the early stages of its development, it takes a parasol form once it reaches a high altitude. Although apparently it has a uniform appearance, the pine forest of Caldera de Taburiente is a pine forest with understorey, accompanied by various species depending on the altitude and the environmental conditions. The its interior it houses codesos, cedros, brezos, fayas, escobones, tagasastes and a variety of smaller species, such as amagantes, corazoncillos or gacias. The rocky escarpments are covered with species capable of rooting in the cracks of the rocks. Bejeques, cerrajones, coles de risco, pimpinelas and cabezotes, combined with lichens and bryophytes, create a greenish tapestry that, in rainy seasons, covers the entire vertical surface. |