The Area of Public Use of Teide National Park encourages the dissemination of its natural and cultural values; in other words, it promotes environmental education. The objective is, not only to give society a greater knowledge of this heritage, but also to create feelings of empathy towards this natural space, which could lead to the active involvement of citizens in favour of nature and environment.
Beyond the information, interpretation and environmental education developed by the park, which is directed to very diverse social groups, special attention is paid to school population. In this case, the educational activity uses various learning resources within the school and inside the national park. It is framed within the educational programme of the school year and adapted to the circumstances and characteristics of the group.
There are two complementary types of activities: lectures and guided tours.
Lectures are organized as an introduction to nature and human activities developed in the park throughout its history. They are made with the support of images, trying to outline the origins of the Canary Islands, its vegetal and animal colonization and the subsequent arrival of human beings. There are also discussions about the different bioclimatic stages in Tenerife, with special emphasis on the high mountain and entering fully into describing the nature of Teide National Park.
The target groups of these lectures are the pupils of the schools in Tenerife from the 5th year of Primary School (5th and 6 th of Primary School, Secondary School, Bachelor, Training Courses, Special Education, Adult Education, … ). This activity is performed in the school, where one of the guides of the park goes to. The lecture, which is adapted to the educational level of the students, has a duration of approximately one hour. Participation is facilitated through questions and symposia about the covered topics.
Usually, and after the lecture, a guided tour is performed through the park. Within the network of trails, there is a wide range of itineraries to choose from, adapting to the group, taking into account their age, degree of difficulty and time availability. The group must not exceed sixty people. It shall be subdivided into smaller groups, without exceeding twenty students each. Along the route, we try to encourage students to observe the environment, as well as their active participation with comments or in the games and experiences that are proposed.
It is important that students come to the national park conveniently equipped with appropriate shoes, comfortable clothes, a coat, a hat and sunscreen, as well as water and some light food.