In addition to the works of landscape restoration made a few years ago and the monitoring and prevention of fire, the recovery and conservation of the park's flora is one of the main conservation tasks. As an example, there are rescue programmes for the rare cardo de plata (Stemmacantha cynaroides) or the rosal del guanche (Bencomia exstipulata), both with scarce wild populations. After studies with natural populations about its biology, genetics and its reproduction in nursery, we have already started to reinforce their natural specimens. The botanical garden of the Visitors Centre of El Portillo includes an important sample of the flora of the park and includes many of the species that, due to their scarce number, must be protected.
Also, the study of the incidence of introduced herbivores (the rabbit and the muflón - Ovis orientalis musimon) on the vegetation of the park is a line of research of great importance for the management of the territory; experimental fences are common to find, installed with the objective of fencing or simply protecting certain species from the influence of these herbivores.
On the other hand, the struggle against the alien species that proliferate in the most visited areas of the park is another conservation tool that the administration of the park uses to maintain the territory in perfect condition.