Vallehermoso Viewpoint
From this enclave, a large part of the municipality of Vallehermoso can be seen, presenting a landscape marked by vegetation: at its upper part the Monteverde (type of mild temperate forest) and at its lower part the Sabinar (the Spanish Juniper). The human landscape highlights, with the farming terraces carved into the slopes. It also stands out The Roque Cano, a symbol of Vallehermoso.
El Bailadero Viewpoint
This enclave offers the best views of Los Roques. Here starts the trail number 1, which ends at a viewpoint with beautiful views of the basin of El Rejo and the Valley of Hermigua. The name of the viewpoint, "El Bailadero", is a common toponym in the islands and seems to refer to areas where the aborigines carried out certain rituals.
Los Roques Viewpoint
This spectacular geological formation is composed of the Roques de Carmona, Zarcita, Ojila and the impressive Roque de Agando. They are the result of the action of erosion that dismantled the materials surrounding various volcanic vents, through where the magma welled up. Their peculiar and more acid substrate allows them to be, not only authentic colossi of geological interest and landscape, but also important due to the rare floral species they accommodate, like the Madroño Canario (Arbutus canariensis), the Cedro (Juniperus Cedrus) or the Jara Blanca (Cistus chinamadensis ssp. gomerae), among others. It is the most appropriate place of the Canary Islands to enjoy watching the sea of clouds fall in cascade towards the southern side of the island.
Cumbres de Tajaqué Viewpoint
Alto de Garajonay Viewpoint
From the highest place of the island, 1,487 m of altitude, you can see the entire national park. Located in the high central plateau of gentle gradient, the vegetation, in its multiple manifestations, stands out above of geological features. It is also a good place to enjoy the views of a large part of the island and the summits of the neighbouring Tenerife, La Palma, El Hierro and, on clear days, also Gran Canaria. At the top there is the most important archaeological site of the island where rituals were performed, probably related to the cult of the sun, formed by elaborated structures based on large stones. In La Gomera they are known as altars of sacrifice.
Igualero Viewpoint
Located at the southern end of the park, there you can see the most breathtaking views of the Fortress of Chipude, a volcanic dome of 1,243 m of altitude, with a superior platform that justifies its name. In the vantage point is the monument to the Silbo Gomero, exclusive language of La Gomera, declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO and whose origins come from the aboriginal people of the island. It is currently taught in the schools of the island.