The management of the national park is working to make compatible the conservation of the valuable nature of the park with the necessary economic activity of the locations of its environment and with the demands of public use of residents and visitors.
Traditional Uses
Tourism and Leisure
Public awareness and environmental educationl
The administration of the park develops a work of public awareness and outreach of its natural and cultural values. Garajonay has, among its most important tasks, the environmental education, with a special emphasis on communication with local communities, based on the idea that it is vital their support and participation in conservation policies. |
Scientific research
The management of nature should be based on the knowledge of ecosystems through research and scientific monitoring. Therefore, the Garajonay National Park has made a major effort in research, which has allowed its territory to be one of the best-studied areas of the Canary Islands. Apart from its own research, there is a demand for research in the park by people or institutions from outside its administration. In order to ensure that the research is consistent with the purposes of conservation of the park, and, in addition, provides accessible information to its agents, it is necessary to be authorized upon request. The request must be accompanied by a working draft, properly reasoned and justified, indicating the methods or techniques that will be used and that could cause deterioration in the environment. Puede realizar su solicitud a través del siguiente enlace: Link to the website of the ministry |
Environmental Volunteering
Participating in activities aimed at the protection of the environment in the national park is a rewarding and enriching experience. It must be developed in a controlled manner, in order to ensure the preservation of this natural heritage of incalculable value.
The National Parks Autonomous Agency develops a plan for raising awareness and volunteering, whose purpose is to contribute to the environmental awareness through the development of projects and activities in the Network of National Parks.
The National Parks Autonomous Agency convenes the granting of subsidies for volunteering projects within the following lines of action:
- Monitoring and evaluation of the network.
- Involvement of social partners and participation of the society.
- Improvement of the scientific knowledge.
- Complementary activities for the achievement of the objectives of each National Park and of the Network as a whole, including exceptional situations.
What documentation and requirements should I know?
Link to the website of the Ministry.
Who can participate?
Organizations of social initiative, legally constituted, endowed with legal personality, non-profitable and dedicated to conducting activities aimed at the protection of the environment.
What types of volunteering resources are there in the Canary Islands?
The Web Portal of the map of volunteering resources of the Canary Islands collects information about the volunteering entities and vacancies, the legislation, about how to accredit the entity, campaigns and other initiatives.
Link to the page of the Volunteering Programme of the Canary Islands' Government.